Sunday, April 15, 2012


Let me just say that I'm not a fan of Norah Jones. I don't dislike her, to be really honest I've never felt inclined to give her a fair shake. That said, this one kinda bugged me. I saw a review of her latest album and thought that I recognized the cover. After plowing through the visual annex of my memory it hit me that it looked an awful lot like the movie poster for Russ Meyer's Mudhoney. After I dug around, I found a image and was astounded to find that it wasn't homage, but a complete rip off of the poster design.

I thought that I couldn't possibly be the only one who noticed it, and sure as shit, the NY Times noticed it as well. Seems that her producer, Dangermouse, had Russ Meyer posters all over his place. Perhaps sensing that assholes like me would cry foul, the press release for the album contained this Jones quote: "Brian [Dangermouse] has this great collection of Russ Meyer posters in his studio, and this particular one, called Mudhoney, was right over the couch where I sat every day. I always was looking at it and thinking ‘that’s so cool I want to look like her!’" That's all fine and dandy, but guess what Norah? No music plug for you! Get out of my store!

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